comments This study quantifies soil redistribution due to both water and tillage erosion processes in a 4.2-ha catchment (corresponding to one single field) located in an intensively cultivated region of Northeastern Germany. To reach this goal, Pu-239+240 inventory measurements have been conducted (and interpolated) and an inverse modelling approach (based on the SPEROS-Pu conceptual model) has been undertaken. Overall, the study was well designed (through a nice nested sampling approach with five densified sub-grids). In total, soil cores were collected at 219 locations (including 10 detailed depth profiles sampled at different topographic locations C
Global agricultural soil erosion has been proved to be a carbon sink. Water erosion and tillage eros...
Tillage erosion causes substantial soil redistribution that can exceed water erosion especially in h...
Recent European Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) forces Flemish farmers in the Belgian loess belt to... comments This study...
Soil redistribution on arable land is a major threat for a sustainable use of soil resources. The ma...
The new assessment of soil loss by water erosion in Europe based on RUSLE2015 (Panagos et al., 2015a...
The new assessment of soil loss by water erosion in Europe based on RUSLE2015 (Panagos et al., 2015a...
AbstractThe new assessment of soil loss by water erosion in Europe based on RUSLE2015 (Panagos et al...
The new assessment of soil loss by water erosion in Europe (Panagos et al., 2015a) was commented by ...
Forested areas are assumed not to be influenced by erosion processes. However, forest soils of North...
The new assessment of soil loss by water erosion in Europe (Panagos et al., 2015a) was commented by ...
© 2016 The Authors. The new assessment of soil loss by water erosion in Europe (Panagos et al., 2015...
In the near future, the use of 137Cs from global fallout (Cs) as a tracer for erosion studies will n...
As soil erosion is the major threat to one of the most essential resources of humankind, methods to ...
Present address for the author M. Lacoste : INRA, UR 0272 Science du sol, Centre de recherched'Orléa...
Global agricultural soil erosion has been proved to be a carbon sink. Water erosion and tillage eros...
Tillage erosion causes substantial soil redistribution that can exceed water erosion especially in h...
Recent European Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) forces Flemish farmers in the Belgian loess belt to... comments This study...
Soil redistribution on arable land is a major threat for a sustainable use of soil resources. The ma...
The new assessment of soil loss by water erosion in Europe based on RUSLE2015 (Panagos et al., 2015a...
The new assessment of soil loss by water erosion in Europe based on RUSLE2015 (Panagos et al., 2015a...
AbstractThe new assessment of soil loss by water erosion in Europe based on RUSLE2015 (Panagos et al...
The new assessment of soil loss by water erosion in Europe (Panagos et al., 2015a) was commented by ...
Forested areas are assumed not to be influenced by erosion processes. However, forest soils of North...
The new assessment of soil loss by water erosion in Europe (Panagos et al., 2015a) was commented by ...
© 2016 The Authors. The new assessment of soil loss by water erosion in Europe (Panagos et al., 2015...
In the near future, the use of 137Cs from global fallout (Cs) as a tracer for erosion studies will n...
As soil erosion is the major threat to one of the most essential resources of humankind, methods to ...
Present address for the author M. Lacoste : INRA, UR 0272 Science du sol, Centre de recherched'Orléa...
Global agricultural soil erosion has been proved to be a carbon sink. Water erosion and tillage eros...
Tillage erosion causes substantial soil redistribution that can exceed water erosion especially in h...
Recent European Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) forces Flemish farmers in the Belgian loess belt to...